Thursday, July 3, 2008

We just returned from a whirlwind week in IDAHO.
Sunday: Baby Wyatt's blessing day. We got to I.F. late that night at 11:30pm.
Monday: Met new baby Wyatt for the first time. Went to Riley & Carson's baseball games in town. Helped celebrate Mom & Bob's 25th wedding anniversary at Olive Garden. Cousin's had a pizza and played at Uncle Jon & Aunt Kristen's home.
Tuesday: Went to Rexburg and celebrated Aunt JoAnn Ball's half-birthday. McKay had a meltdown & Josie got pelted in the eyebrow with a crab apple.
Wednesday: Rode 4-wheelers to the HC Ranch. Fished in one of the ponds. Had a fish fry & celebrated Jon's birthday. Chad Stanger dropped by to visit and bring the kid's Skittles.
Thursday: Aunt Mindy and girls left for Utah. We had sooo much fun with them! Kid's played on the slip-n-slide and made water balloons. Washed the 4-wheelers, tractor (the day before), Jan & Kerry's cars, and Jon's filthy truck. Ate Chinese food from "Hong Kong" with Aunt Joann Anderson.
Friday: Said good-bye to Sophie, Kerry, & Aunt Joann Anderson as they left to Arizona. Headed back to Seattle.
Saturday: Stopped in Northern Idaho to go to Silverwood Amusement Park and Boulder Water Park.

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